Quitting smoking isn’t just about never putting a cigarette to your lips and lighting it up. In fact, if you really want to quit for good, then you need to go much deeper than that. Quitting smoking is about getting over the mental and physical cravings that come with nicotine addiction; it’s about seeing cigarettes as something you have to overcome rather than something you have to give up – this change in perspective is key when it comes to quitting without relying on willpower or medicine.

When someone decides they want to quit, they should start by breaking the mental association between pleasure and smoking; this means looking at cigarettes differently – not as a friend but as an enemy. It means recalibrating the habit of smoking so that instead of associating cigarettes with relaxation or stress relief, they are associated with negative feelings such as guilt and shame. This process can take some time and should be done in a relaxed manner – there’s no need for rush!

The Smoking Se Aazadi Programme offers smokers exactly what they need – allowing them to continue smoking until they’re ready to set their own quit date. The programme also provides psychological support through weekly one-on-one coaching sessions using cognitive kinetic therapy (CKT) techniques alongside with DUM inhaler which help reduce cravings without having resorting back into old habits like binge-smoking or substituting products like e-cigarettes.
It’s important not lose sight of the bigger picture: if there are no more cravings then there’s no desire left whatsoever – only freedom from an otherwise addictive habit!
As Winston Churchill said “Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm” – so keep smiling folks!

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